Marshall James Kavanaugh

Travel By Haiku: Big Sur, CA

The whole land is just
a bunch of boulders that fell
into the big sea.

Hills that roll and make
you say “Wow!” with all your heart.
Earth and sea that shouts!

Clouds of fog floating
heavenly above, dressing
the mountains in awe.

To sit on a rock
and watch the ocean begin
to reach for the sky.

The Sea: Never in
any rush to get any place,
but always on time.

Marshall James Kavanaugh is a writer / rucksack revolutionary who just this year drove across the country (a second time) from Philadelphia to Oakland over the course of three, beautiful, Spring months spreading poetry and other dream labors everywhere he landed between here and there and anywhere where the scene was lucid and the audience inspired. A majority of his work falls under the canon of Dream Punk, or Punk Rêve for the extra scholarly, and follows a narrative of borderline fiction which leaves the reader wondering where the reality ends and the surreal begins. Following this mode, he often invents characters and language with illusory connotations in an attempt to create a world that exaggerates the extraordinary. He has two collections of short stories published with the small press, A Freedom Books, and a novel about that first cross country road trip currently underway. When not on the road, climbing cascading mountains, or hustling in all of these American city streets, he can be found at his mom’s house in New Jersey petting two very fat tuxedo-wearing cats who know more about civility and compassion than most people you’ll ever meet.

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